Friday, January 9, 2009

By the way...

This is to clarify. Before the group wrote their thesis (or the beginning of their thesis) they had chosen China and the Olympics as the sturdy and worldly example of scapegoating. It was the next day as Mara was reasearching the event when she came across some negagtive aspects that gave the oppisite impression of what the group originally thought the idea could produce. Therefore, the group decided to cut this idea and as it fell from the minds of the Lit kids, a light shot on and another idea took form. Mara suggested mental illness and the prejudice which follows after. Margret found a very interesting wbesite with many articles on mental illness and she also suggested leprocy. It was then concluded that the group could include leprocy in with mental illness, making it the broad suject of illness (both physical and mental). YAY for having finally decided! The group phscologically jumped for joy. After discussing the fear of unknown illnesses and how that realates to the fear of unknown clothing, the group finally wrote their thesis statement (in under five minutes :O) and all was set in stone. Mr. Blauer seemed to approve. Now that the appetizers are eaten, it is now time to move onto the main course. ESSAY NOW COMMENCING.

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