Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blaming the Goat

Day three of the Seuss escapade. Margret, Mara and Erika decided it was high time to pick one topic out of the many to choose from. After making a very impressive list of three topics, the lit kids came down to agree on Satan (but not really Satan). A discussion followed where prejudice and irrational fears made appearances, along with the thought that people assume the unknown is evil. The group then jumped from Satan music, to not Satan, to blame and finally landed on a goat (scapegoats actually). Here's what was concluded: The pale green pants was an unknown figure in the night to the before said main character, thus was concluded to be...EVIL PANTS. All was needed to end such a accomplished class was, yes, a solid thesis. While another discussion formed, the group decided to pick one main focal point for the topic. Embedding the words 'BLAME' and 'SCAPEGOAT' into our minds produced two ideas: Bush and the blame the world puts on him (not to be pro Bush or anything) and the Olympics in China and how people were protesting the Olympics rather than the ethical issues. Of course the latter was chosen. With their new idea beaming brightly, the group concluded the class. Will this new idea work? Will another idea be needed? Will the world ever stop putting its problems on the goat? Answers to come.

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